Guest Post- Mowing the Lawn

Anyone who knows me or has been to The Herb Cottage knows I am not into lawns. I do appreciate, however, that lots of people are into lawns and want them to look their best to enhance the landscape and set off the house nicely. Luckily there are people into mowing and caring for lawns. This guest post from Michelle Whyte lays out the best practices for keeping your lawn healthy and looking great.

Best Time to Cut Your Lawn: Mower Tips

Mowing the lawn is often one of the most underlooked tasks a for a gardener. Lawn mowing seems pretty straightforward and sure is. However, there are some best and worst times to do it – believe it or not.

The time and the manner in which you mow can mean the difference between success and failure. Do it right, and you will end up with a turf that is healthy, drought-resistant, appealing and sufficiently thick to keep weed out.

So let’s break a typical gardening day down:


There are several reasons why early morning lawn mowing is not the best. Apart from proving a nuisance to the sleeping neighbors, the grass is often laden wet with dew. This may lead to clogging and leave tracks behind.

If you must mow:

• Treat the underside of your machine with silicon spray or oil to prevent grass from being embedded on it
• Ensure the blade is sharp to cut efficiently without ripping the grass out
• Avoid mowing up and down a slope as you risk slipping and sustaining some severe injuries. Instead, do it across as you will have a better footing. We recommend using a hill lawn mower as well.


Midmorning, when all the dew and irrigation has evaporated, is the best time to mow. The heat at this time isn’t too much for you to take and the grass is in perfect condition to achieve efficiency.

• Ensure the blades are sharp and in excellent condition
• Avoid cutting the grass too short as it leaves the grass vulnerable to weed infestation and diseases – yes, your lawn may come down with something
• Keep the mower sharp for cleaner and even cuts. Tears and jagged cuts create openings for disease and pests
• Avoid mowing in the same pattern or direction every time as it may lead to compacted soil. This leads to a less healthy grass and may provide an opportunity for the weed to set in


You are at liberty to mow your lawn at midday, but it’s not ideal. The midday heat should be reason enough to stay away. Furthermore, the machine may be shorn leading to field stress. If you’re still considering to mow around this time, then think about:

• Waiting until shade falls on the lawn as it will lose less water and will be quicker to rebound
• Avoid refueling a hot engine for safety and durability
• Taking the necessary steps to shield your skin from the heat

Late Afternoon

This is another ideal time for lawn mowing – but takes second place after midmorning. The cool late afternoon temperatures will mean less stress for the turf, and it will still have adequate time to recover before darkness sets in.

Early Evening

This is not appropriate because the grass will not have enough time to recover. It is more vulnerable to fungus and other diseases when the darkness falls.

General Lawn Mower Care Tips

It’s essential that you also take steps to maintain your garden lawn mower. Doing this will ensure optimal performance each time you mow the lawn.

You should ensure that you:

  • Keep the Mower Blades Sharp
    This goes without saying – using sharp blades result in cleaner cuts while a dull blade is likely to create uneven edges or even worst damage the grass.It’s common to see discoloration on the tips of grass that was cut improperly.
  • Empty the Gasoline after Mowing
    It is generally recommended that you empty the remaining gasoline from the mower after each “mow session.” Some gardeners often find their mower won’t start during future uses and this is a common reason why (left-over gasoline).
  • Periodically Check the Oil
    Contaminated oil is another common reason for mower issues. If you spot any debris in the oil, it’s a good idea to empty it.
  • Check Your Mower Manual
    If you’re not sure about something regarding the use of the mower, it’s always a good idea to consult the user manual. The guide is usually equipped with useful care tips which can help you.
  • Adjust the Height of Your Mower
    You should have a mower that allows you to adjust the cutting deck.
    It’s is important during the summer where you’ll want the deck higher to allow grass to grow longer and protect the soil from too much heat. In the winter months, you can lower the deck again.

Michelle Whyte is the owner of Gardening Leave ( “Through the website I help people with everyday garden topics drawing from the experience of raising my own vegetable garden.”

From The Herb Cottage:

While we’re on the subject of Lawn Care, here’s a very informative article on Fertilizing Tips.

for more on lawn care-