Guest Post- Top 6 Spring Gardening Tips from Pro Landscape Designers

Doi Ang Khang , Chiang Mai , Thailand , ดอยอ่างขาง, เชียงใหม่,


Do you want your plants to look extremely beautiful and healthy? Or do you want to take proper care of them. 

Then, these gardening tips from professional landscape designers will teach you how to enhance your lawn care. The ideas shared in this article are from seasoned garden architects. 

Through additional reading both from the internet and multiple sources, we have learned from and that below are top 6 spring gardening tips from pro landscape designers:

Plant native plants

It is not right to see a new plant and conclude immediately that you are going to plant it in your garden or yard. You need to consider if the plant is native to the area you are living.

Although with special care some plants that are not native to your region may grow, but they may not grow as the ones that are specific to your respective areas. To avoid unforeseen circumstances or potentially bad situations, it is recommended you plant plants that are native to your regions.

The good news about planting native plants is that they have the capacity to enhance the look of your yard or garden.

Add mulch

This is an amazing substance. Apply mulch to your soil- this is a great way you can improve its quality.  Mulch improves the fertility of your soil as well as preserves its moisture. Mulch remains the most amazing way you can make your soil fertile and plants healthier.

Fill your garden with objects of your life

The best way to add character to your garden by adding those things you love and cherish. For example, if you have an old chair that is no longer in use, you can leave it in your garden- this can improve the overall feel and look of the garden. This also applies to other kinds of objects. Use any interesting objects around you.

Think big, be bold

You need to think big if you truly want to build a beautiful garden like the ones you used to see in the television or internet. If you think big, there is a possibility that you will achieve a bigger result.

Whatever you need, you ought to be bold and brave about it, and also think strategically about it. All you need is just to be creative and think of ways you can bring your garden to life.

Know the frost dates

In gardening, first and last frost dates are something that is frequently talked about. You need to know yours. It would be amazing to plant seeds at least 8 weeks before the last frost date.

But, if you are new to gardening, how will you know when your first and last frost dates is? If you plant too early in the spring, you may end up risking your seedlings. If you plant late, you may end up with a late or poor harvest.

Thus, timing is everything. Most times, the internet doesn’t help matters; there is a lot of information online that talks about the first and frost dates. The issue is that these dates do not fall on particular days. How it falls within your location depends largely on which season of the year you are in.

Shoot for moist, crumbly soil

Soil is a natural, breathing and living entity that is made up of gases, liquids and solids. Its five major functions are filtered water, offer a habitat for organisms, recycle waste products, and offer a medium for plant growth and aids as an engineering material.

In this article, our main focus is that it is a great medium for plant growth. By this we mean that soil relinquishes water and retains the nutrients required for plant growth as well as provides structural stability for plants.

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