Guest Post- How outdoor living spaces are good for your health

You’d think that running away from a more natural way of life to live in the big city would be an improvement, but it actually isn’t. Well, you will most likely be better off than before, but you won’t feel as ‘free’ if you know what I mean.

When you spend your time in the outdoors, you feel connected, relaxed, as all your worries disappear. It’s an excellent way to help with mental health as well. In any case, the facts stand behind outdoor living spaces – they’re good for your overall health for a plethora of reasons. We’ll be mentioning the five most notable ones, but rest assured that there are many more.

Now, before we begin, it’s worth talking about the reasons for living in the outdoors (or at least spending a lot of time out of the house). You have lots of free space, and this is your personal space; you don’t share a building with other tenants. There’s usually less stress involved when you live in your own piece of land!

Now, onto the benefits: Let’s start with the first one.

Promote Good Vision

There are two ways to interpret this fact, and both are correct. On the one hand, your physical eyesight will improve. Fewer things are influencing your eyesight in the outdoors (apart from the gorgeous ones) than in the city.

On the other hand, good vision is basically a way of saying you’ll know what to do about something even though you’re worried right now. It’s just the way it works. You feel less obligated to something but better at it, so issues that you thought you had should feel easier to solve.

In any case, outdoor living spaces provide a way to live healthy as well. Take for example people who want to lose weight. There are no limitations concerning your jogging path!

Connecting with Nature can Reduce Stress

Some doctors have even recommended this exciting adventure as a treatment for patients experiencing anger outbursts or depression. Nature has a way of… healing the body and soul. It’s indescribable, something completely out of the ordinary. Especially when you visit a new place or a place you wanted to visit since you were a child. The possibilities are endless when you think about it!

Stress can get induce a lot when you’re at the workplace or by common occurrences throughout the day. If it builds up too much, you won’t be able to control it, and bad things might happen. Your mental health is very important!

Be Happier Instantly

Happiness can be described in a lot of ways. It can be seen as when two souls in love finally get together. Or when a child receives a new toy. However, during our time on this planet, there are times where you don’t feel like anything. 

This is why depression is so dangerous and misunderstood; you don’t feel anything. Even feeling negative emotions makes you feel like a human but without them… 

The reason I’m saying this is because a lot of people seem to disregard the power of living in the outdoors. As mentioned before, it reconnects you with nature and heals you.

Improve your Cognitive Abilities

Who doesn’t want to hang out and relax under a tree? It’s the best way to spend the day, right? Well, maybe not in this day and age but it’s still helpful in meaningful ways. One of these is cognitive ability improvement.

See, your brain goes through a lot. Every. Single. Day. And that’s nothing unusual; there’s a reason why it never shuts down completely (boy, that would be terrible). Anyway, it needs to rest as much as you. That’s why sleep is important. But living in nature can not only fix potential sleep issues (by resetting your circadian rhythm), it can improve the way your brain works as well! Try it!

Boosting the Immune System

And finally, exposing yourself to the wonders of nature’s flowers (allergic people beware!) is the best way to boost your immune system. If it isn’t under attack at a relatively constant rate, its effectiveness will fall off.

This is why people who care way too much about cleanliness sometimes get sick more often than those who do it just the right amount. So, if you get sick all the time, you might have to fight fire with fire and go into the wilderness as a true explorer would!

Article Submitted by: Dr. Kojian,