6 Ways to Keep Munchy Pets from Snacking on Your Houseplants

Houseplants bring a slice of nature’s serenity indoors, enhancing our living spaces with lush foliage and vibrant colors. However, for those of us with curious pets, they can pose a unique challenge.

Cats and dogs alike might see our beloved greenery not as decor, but as a snack buffet, leading to potential health risks for them and heartache for us.

Below, we explore six effective strategies to safeguard your plants from your munchy companions, ensuring the wellbeing of both!

1. Elevating Plants Out of Reach

Utilizing high spaces in your home can keep your green friends safely out of paw’s reach. Hanging shelves or plant hangers not only protect your plants but also add a vertical element of greenery to your decor.

This method is perfect for creating a lush, jungle-like atmosphere in your home, all while keeping curious noses away.

Some great plants for high, hanging shelves or plant hangers would be Pothos, Heartleaf Philodendron, and English Ivy. These are all relatively easy to care for and low maintenance, and thrive in bright, indirect light.

2. Opt for Pet Safe Plants

Incorporating pet safe plants into your home is a foolproof way to ensure the safety of your pets, should their curiosity get the better of them.

There’s a wide variety of beautiful, non-toxic options that can coexist with your furry friends peacefully.

For example, cats may be challenging to keep out of high places (speaking from experience here), so you’d want to look for cat safe plants as your safest, preventative path for making sure they don’t get their little nibblers on anything toxic.

3. Crafting a Mini Indoor Greenhouse

My favorite method I’ve used as far as keeping pets from eating plants has been to make my own indoor greenhouse. With a little creativity, it’s incredibly doable and gorgeous. I have mine in my living room as a decorative focal point!

For plants that pose a danger to your furry friends—such as Monsteras, Dracaenas, Aloe Vera, and Jade Plants—a glass indoor greenhouse offers a stylish and practical solution. I’ve found success with the IKEA Rudsta cabinet; its sleek design doesn’t just protect your plants but also turns them into a living art display.

Equipping this cabinet with a grow light system on an automated timer (I prefer 8am to 8pm) ensures your plants receive their necessary light, while a humidifier keeps tropical varieties thriving.

A small USB-powered fan promotes air circulation, creating an ideal microclimate. This method doesn’t just safeguard your pets, but also elevates your interior design.

4. Establishing a Plant Sanctuary

Dedicating a room in your house as a plant sanctuary not only secures your plants from playful pets but also creates a tranquil retreat for you.

Imagine a space where you can unwind, surrounded by your botanical collection, perhaps with a book in hand or music softly playing off a record table.

This room becomes a green oasis for relaxation and enjoyment, a private escape that celebrates your gardening passion.

One of my favorite spaces ever was a plant room we had in one of our previous homes – a few bookshelves lined the walls, with large, lush tropical plants such as the Monstera plant and hanging tropical vines (my favorite are pothos) filled throughout the empty space. 

Nothing beats sitting in a comfortable papasan, reading a book with the window open as the sun rises in your plant room!

5. Bitter Sprays: The Taste Deterrent

Many pets are deterred by the taste of bitter substances. Applying a non-toxic bitter spray to your plants’ leaves can make them far less appealing to your pets.

These sprays are widely available and safe for use on most houseplants. Always test on a small area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the plant.

Your local botany shop should have some suggestions on specific pet-friendly and plant-friendly deterrent sprays. Always check with your vet before using a specific spray product!

6. Training and Distraction

Training your pets to stay away from your plants, combined with providing plenty of alternative toys and treats, can be highly effective.

Use positive reinforcement to encourage your pet to ignore the plants. Additionally, ensure they have ample playtime and interactive toys to keep their attention diverted from your greenery.

Keeping Pets Safe from Your Plants (and Your Plants Safe from Them)!

Protecting your houseplants from your pets—and vice versa—requires a bit of creativity and strategy, but it’s entirely achievable.

From constructing a mini indoor greenhouse to designating a plant sanctuary room, these methods not only ensure the safety of your pets but also enhance the beauty and enjoyment of your indoor garden.

With these tips, you can create a harmonious living space where both your green friends and furry companions thrive together.

Some additional reading you can find on The Herb Cottage that you may enjoy:

Author Bio: 

Jake Lascsak is a fervent indoor plant enthusiast and the founder of LeafWise Plant Care, a blog dedicated to nurturing a love for indoor gardening. Jake’s journey into the world of plants began with a simple desire: to transform his work-from-home environment into a sanctuary of serenity and inspiration.