How Do You Keep Produce Fresh Longer?

People have become so busy in their professional and personal life nowadays; it is not easy to keep up with household chores every day, just like going for grocery shopping every day. No one can do that after a hectic day. So what people usually do is store their produce in their fridge. 

But does your food stay as fresh as it was after certain days? Most of the people would say no, that their food becomes pale and loses its nutrients, which simultaneously affects the taste of your food.

This article intends to deliver some tips on how to keep your produce fresh longer.

  • Cloth Storage Bags for Your Vegetables:

You can also go for the cloth bags if you are not willing to keep your food in plastic savers. These cloth bags are made of 100% cotton that protects your vegetables and fruits from the elements. And keep them fresh longer than you have imagined. Also, they are very easy to use and do not occupy excessive space in your fridge. All you need to do is dampen those bags, fill them with fresh veggies or fruits, and place them in the fridge. If the bag gets dry, you can spritz them again and reuse it.   

  • Avoid Excessive Wetness:

A little bit of humidity is natural and even good for your produce. But getting completely wet is bad for the produce. As too much moisture can produce mushiness. Thus, make sure to dry your produce thoroughly after washing. But some foods require water to stay fresh, such as carrots and halved stalks of celery that have a longer lifespan if you keep them in a covered container filled with water. Scallions are to be stored in water from the roots-down at room temperature.

  • Use Produce Storage Savers:

You might have seen the wholesale produce distributors selling these kinds of produce store savers earlier. These are airtight containers that ventilate your produce. And the tray of these containers keeps moisture away from your fruits and vegetables to reduce rot. 

Thus, keep them fresh for a more extended period. These storage savers are available in different sizes and colors. You can buy them matching with your fridge or kitchen’s color as well.

  • Separate Gassy Produce:

There are certain vegetables and fruits like potatoes, apples, pears, and ripe bananas that produce ethylene gas. This gas tends to accelerate the ripening procedure of other vegetables and fruits. That is why it is suggested to categorize your foods and keep them separated. Such as keep your bananas in a particular spot, don’t keep onions and potatoes together. And try to keep the apples in a different corner of the fridge. And make some breathing room for each produce.

  • Have an Idea about the Coldest Parts of the Fridge:

Usually, the top few inches of your fridge goes through temperature swings. Thus, try to keep away some of the delicacies like lettuces and herbs from that section of the fridge. And not only from that section but from the mid-section, as the middle section can also freeze those herbs. So it is always better to keep them in the lower section of the fridge, where the temperature is not so high and appropriate enough to keep them fresh and hold onto the nutrients.

Hence, the above-enlisted ways are some of the tips that you can adapt to keep your produce fresh for a longer time. Apart from them, there are various other ways like you can use silicone jar covers, set the temperature and humidity properly, etc.