6 Mistakes People Make With Their Indoor Plants

Incorporating indoor plants in interior décor is a growing trend, and all for good reasons. Besides transforming the interiors, you get cleaner air and it makes you feel calm and relaxed.  Caring for the plant is also a rewarding hobby that is worth the time. However, the journey is not that smooth, and it requires that you are careful to avoid mistakes that can kill your plants. Whether you are just starting out with indoor plants, or you are a veteran in the sector, here are common mistakes that you should avoid for your indoor jungle to thrive.

1.      Overwatering or under-watering

Most people think that indoor plants need a lot of water to survive, so they water the plant every chance they get. Others know that the soil needs to dry for them to water the plant, but they end up forgetting, leaving the plant dry for a long time. The problem with overwatering is that it can easily cause root rot and eventually kill the plant. On the other hand, not giving the plant enough water will make the roots dry and the leaves to brown. Check if the soil is dry with your fingers before watering, this is because the soil can appear dry at the top while it is moist at the bottom. Be careful not to leave the plant for long without water.

2.      Failing to change the planting pot

3.      Not giving the plant enough light

Plants are wired differently; hence, they require different amounts of light to grow. Some plants need direct sunlight for longer and others for a few hours, while there are others that need indirect sunlight. Regardless of where they fall, however, each plant requires light to thrive. Ensure that you check your plant regularly and move them near or away from light depending on how they are doing. If the location that you want to place the plant doesn’t get enough light, consider using LED grow light to provide it with sufficient light. LED grow lights incorporate all the wavelengths of the sun, thus your plant will benefit from the light just as it would from the sun.

4.      Not choosing the right plant for the indoors

Growing indoor plants successfully starts with choosing the right plant. Not every plant can thrive indoors; only those capable of adapting to the indoor climate can. Before choosing a plant, ensure that it can grow in low light, low humidity and that it doesn’t grow out of control and end up running out of the room.

5.      Failing to dust the plant

Not dusting your plant can eventually clog the pores, limiting its ability to breathe. If a plant is not breathing well, the chances of it dying are increased. That is the reason why you should regularly check your plant for dust by passing a finger over the leaves. If you find it dusty, just use a soft brush or a damp cloth to wipe out the dust.

6.      Not pruning

Some people reserve pruning for outdoor plants, not knowing that it is equally a beneficial exercise for indoor plants. Pruning is essential for any plant as it extends the blooming period and stimulates the growth of larger and healthier blooms. To do it right, use a sharp pair of scissors or clippers to cut off discolored and diseased leaves and stems. If you have a trailing plant such as English ivy or pothos, trim it back to a height of four to six inches.


Plants require different conditions to grow. Sometimes the mistakes with indoor plants come from not knowing exactly what a plant needs. It is good to research on the needs of every plant before starting to grow it. Get to know the amount of light, water, humidity and care it requires for it to grow and give you the satisfaction you desire.