Caring for Your Garden During a Heat Wave


A heat wave no joke. It can wreck your motivation and all chance of getting work done outside. You can’t just choose not to work on your garden, though — that would mean letting your plants suffer in the heat alone. To keep your plants from dehydrating and withering, you must implement other tactics to keep them safe during the drought.

10 Ways to Protect Your Plants from the Heat

Nobody wants to be outside during a drought. The relentless sun offers nothing, so you have to be on your guard and vigilant about keeping an eye on your garden. Beat the heat with these top ten tips to keep your plants safe from the summer sun.

1. Move Potted Plants

Any plants that aren’t in the ground should be moved. You should move potted plants to a shady area so that they’re out of constant direct sunlight. Their roots won’t go as deep as a plant that’s in the ground, so you must care for them. You should treat saplings similarly. Since they’re so young, they’re vulnerable to heat more than adult trees or other plants.

Plants begin to lose water and grow dehydrated around 85F. If the temperature increases, you might consider bringing your plants into your temperature-controlled home so they don’t get too dry from sitting in the sunlight. When in doubt, bring your potted plants inside. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

2. Add Mulch

Mulch will keep your plants cool because it allows moisture to stay densely packed at the plant’s roots. You should layer your mulch deeply, not just on the surface level, to fully reap the benefits of keeping your plants cool and moist. Without mulch or something to keep them wet, your plants run the risk of drying out in intense heat.

3. Water Your Plants

Just like humans, plants need more water when it’s sweltering outside, especially if they’re in the sun. Fill up your watering can and get to work!

Alternatively, pull out your hose if it’s so hot that you don’t want to spend much time outside. If you have a spray nozzle, you can cover wider areas of your garden in half the time, letting you retreat inside sooner.

You should think about watering your garden early in the morning or later in the evening during the hottest days of the drought. Your thirsty plants will receive their water, and you’ll feel better when the sun isn’t beating down on you.

4. Start Composting

Adding compost to your plants makes for richer soil. Homemade compost can give your plants the nutrients they need to grow despite the hot weather. It can also regulate the temperature of your plants and extend their growing season.

Composting is also great for the environment and can be done at home! You can cut back on your food waste by contributing uneaten leftovers to your compost bin. Starting one can also ease your wallet since you won’t be relying on fertilizers purchased from the store.

5. Analyze Your Climate

If heat waves are common in your area, you may want to opt for plants that are more suited to the intense heat. Many plants don’t do well in severe heat or cold, but tropical plants can thrive in the heat. Think about how you want your garden to look and how much time you can contribute to maintaining it. Keep that vision in your head in the future and aspire toward that goal.

6. Plan for Shade

When adding to your garden, choose plants that can give off shade. Shade can help mitigate heat stroke or heat exhaustion, and it can help a great deal if your pet gardens with you, too. Watch out for a bright red tongue and excessive panting if your dog is outside with you, as that can be a sign of overheating. 

7. Place a Thermometer

Putting a thermometer in your garden can help you keep an eye on the temperature. You should set temperature-based goals of bringing certain plants inside or checking your plants’ water levels. Maintenance is critical, so choosing benchmark temperatures will help you ensure you’re caring for your plants correctly.

8. Create Your Own Shade

If you don’t have much natural shade, you may have to create your own. Invest in an awning over your garden if you’re used to the heat waves, as it will offer some protection in the future.

Alternatively, you can open an umbrella. A sturdy metal umbrella should have a swiveling head that requires only a little input from you as you move it throughout the day to keep the shade on your plants.

9. Hold Off on Chores

Plants can get easily upset when it’s hot, too. If you spend too much time fussing over how they look, whether by pruning or adding fertilizer, your plants might choose to reflect that disappointment. More extensive tasks should wait until it’s cooler outside, both for you and your plants. 

10. Keep an Eye on Indoor Plants

Sometimes, the temperature outside affects what happens inside. You might notice that your indoor plants are drooping or drinking more water. Make sure to adjust your new routine to accommodate them as well. They might want special treatment, too!

Keep Your Garden Safe and Happy

Always keep an eye on your plants when it’s hot out. Avoid direct sunlight whenever possible, but make sure you’re caring for them as regularly as you did when there was no heat wave. With a few changes to your plant care routine, you’ll have made your garden comfortable and happy — and safe from the sun’s intense rays!


Jane is an environmental writer and the founder and editor-in-chief of where she covers sustainability and eco-friendly living.