Essentials You’ll Need to Start a Garden From A Scratch

Everywhere we look, there are gorgeous gardens full of carefully-maintained plants and flowers and equipped with lovely and comfortable sitting areas. Many people say they prefer to spend their free time in their gardens if the weather permits, of course. This is actually understandable, considering that there are so many activities you can do in your own garden: reading, yoga, meditation, napping, having dinner with friends — the possibilities are endless. But, in order to have a place that you can call yours, you need to start a garden first. In case you’re inexperienced in gardening, or lack the necessary equipment, no worries, as here are the essentials you’ll need to start your own garden:

Get your gardening tools

This tool is a must when it comes to gardening. The garden hoe is used to get rid of weeds and clear soil. For those who are just starting, clearing soil is fairly easy: you just need to pile it around the base of plants and then shape it. Also, a good garden hoe will be easy to use, but you need to learn how to recognize so you won’t end up buying the wrong one. Basically, all three sides need to be equally sharp so it’ll be easy for you to work. The weight needs to be balanced so you won’t feel clumsy, and if you properly maintain the garden hoe, it will last you a long time. Some other gardening tools that you’ll need are rakes, gloves, a hose, spades, shovels, soil knife, and prune shears.

Make a plan for each season

Before you start getting the equipment, you need to know which plants you want to grow, so you’ll be able to get the seeds and plant them on time. Most plants bloom in July, so if you want to have the real summer garden, you need to plant them a few months before the summer. Additionally, if you want your garden to be green all year long, then it’s best to opt for plants that don’t die off during the cold autumn and winter months. And if you want to plant something that takes some time to grow and flourish, then you can also plant some smaller plants nearby, so that space will look lush and well-used. 

Make some space for your gardening tools

Having gardening tools is a must, but so is having a space where you’ll be able to keep the tools. If you have enough space in the garage, then great, but otherwise, you’ll need to consider getting a special garden shed with enough space and longevity so you won’t have to worry about keeping your valuable gardening tools safe from extreme weather conditions. Also, you can redecorate your shed to look presentable and tidy, like the rest of your garden. 

Organize the space

A good-looking garden needs to be well-organized so the plants will look like they belong there. So, before you start planting, you also need to plan the space and know where to plant different types of plants. Sometimes, that can be difficult, especially if you’re inexperienced, so it’s advisable to hire a landscape designer to give you hand or consult a friend or a relative who will be able to give you a hand. But, in order to be safe, it’s best to plant a wide variety of plants together, as that will help them grow and you’ll be able to save more space. Besides, planting non-edibles with edibles can make your garden look more beautiful and well-put.

Focus on the soil

There’s no point in focusing on plants if you don’t take care of the soil first. The good news is most soil can be enriched with compost and then used for planting. This is important because, in order to be apt for gardening, your soil needs to be fertile. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the amount of mulch and other organic materials that you need to add to the soil, so it’s best to go to your local gardening center as there are probably people who’ll be able to help you.

It might seem a bit stressful thinking about all the work and preparation you need to, but if you’re seriously considering starting a garden, then you should also know that growing and maintaining your own plants can be extremely beneficial for your physical and mental health. Finally, in case you’re worried whether you’ll be able to do it, you can always start with growing small plants indoors, until you feel fully ready to start your own garden outside of your house. 

For more tips on getting started in the garden, try this comprehensive article.