Guest Post- Cactus for you

Looking for a plant you can add to your home or garden that doesn’t take constant attention and care? Cacti are the plants for you. The unique cactaceae family consists of very distinct plants that come in all shapes and sizes and generally take less maintenance than most plants.

Cacti are unique in looks and in structure. They are differentiated by structures called areolas which enable them to grow spines, branches or hair. Although cacti and succulents are often grouped together, they are not always the same. All cacti are succulents but not all succulents are cacti because they don’t all have areolas.
To help you choose the right cacti for your home or garden, FTD has a guide of 14 popular types of cacti. Their guide tells you how much light and water each variety needs and what color flowers they produce. Browse through to find your favorite!


indoor cactus types

outdoor cactus types