Guest Post- Scents That Help You Sleep

The Herb Farm – Aromatherapy for Sleep

Scents leave a powerful impression on our memories, experiences and lives in general. That being said, aromatherapy (the practice of using scents for medicinal purposes) has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a number of ailments.

Certain scents can energize or depress. It can invigorate or promote sleep. Some scents can promote restfulness and relaxation while others can induce a deeper, more restful sleep. There might be people out there who doubt the power of this natural sleep aid, but studies have shown these treatments work!

For example, did you know juniper has been used to help ween people off of sleeping pills? Even a more traditionally invigorating scent like lemon has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress levels and decrease insomnia in women. Sweet marjoram, a piney and citrusy fragrance, has been proven to improve sleep quality.

If you’d like to see a full list of scents that help you sleep, you can reference the below infographic from FragranceX. Each of the 15 scents listed been tested by scientists in various studies who substantiate these claims. Pull this out next time you’re tossing and turning in bed!