How Growing an Herb Garden Can Help Your Health

Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

While growing your own herbs may seem time-consuming, there are many benefits that you should consider before rejecting the idea. While it may seem easier to buy herbs from the store instead of going through the trouble of growing them yourself, there are some benefits that you cannot buy from the store. Here are a few reasons that you should consider growing your own herb garden. 


When you grow your own herbs, you always have fresh herbs available when you need them. You will never have to worry about running to the store at the last minute to pick up a forgotten ingredient. You only have to visit your nearest potted herb or patch of garden to get everything you need to make a delicious dinner. 

Spice it Up

Spices and herbs are what make or break a meal. Adding a few extra herbs to a soup or to season meat can turn it into a completely different meal. The main dish is turned to something even more delicious, and a side dish becomes the star of the show. The only limitations you have are the herbs that you have available. Planting your own herb garden means that you always have the herbs you need to spice up your dishes and make them a meal to remember. 


We are always on the search for new ways to add vitamins and nutrients to our meals, and herbs are a great way to do that. Adding fresh herbs to your meals boosts the vitamin content with very little effort on your part. 

In addition to adding vitamins to your diet, growing your own herbs can also be a form of exercise. Digging, weeding, bending, and stretching are all great ways to keep your body active without participating in high impact exercises that can be harmful to your joints. Regular exercise can help you tone muscles, lose weight, and have healthy skin. 

Cost and Convenience

You can buy fresh herbs at the store, but they can get expensive if you need to buy them for every meal. Sometimes they may even be hard to find if your local stores do not keep the herbs you need in stock. Not only are you then short an ingredient for your meal, but you are also forced to try to substitute it with something else or find a speciality store and pay even more. After the initial cost of starting your herb garden, the money you save really adds up. And you can’t put a price on the convenience of always having what you need without having to worry about it. 


Growing and using your own herbs can be an educational experience for the entire family. You will learn a lot about gardening, recipes, and uses for herbs as you tend to your garden and help it flourish. You can also learn about the history of herbs that dates back to medieval times. This will help you keep your mind active, and it is something that you can share with the entire family. 

Stress Relief

Taking care of plants, tending your herb garden, harvesting your herbs, subscribing to the Me Time Box, or just visiting your garden are all activities that can help you relieve built-up stress and find some quiet moments throughout the day. The beautiful plants and taking in the aroma of the fresh herbs can really help revitalize you when you are feeling anxious. Having this little oasis of peace right at your own home is amazing. 


Most herbs grow as beautifully as other shrubs and flowers. This means that you can plant them in the landscaping of your house and boost the curb appeal of your home. You can add them in wherever you have room, and this is such an added benefit when you do not have room for a separate herb garden. They will blend in perfectly with your already established landscaping, and your beautiful home will also help make your meals delicious as well. 

Sharing the Bounty

Since you are growing your own herbs, you will have plenty that you can share with your friends, family, and neighbors. Fresh herbs are a great thing to bring when you are invited to a home, and dried herbs in beautiful jars make great gifts at any time of the year. You may even inspire other people to start their very own herb garden as well!


Hobbies are a great way to boost your creativity and help unwind at the end of the day. Gardening in itself is a great hobby, but having a wide variety of fresh herbs can also open doors to other hobbies like soap making.