7 Pole Saw Cutting Techniques | Step-By-Step Guide

When you go out to cut or trim a tree for the very first time it can seem a bit scary. At a time like this, you need a reliable pole saw because it is the best equipment to cut tree branches. There are so many people out there who are unfamiliar with the right pole saw cutting techniques.

When you are unaware of the proper pole saw cutting techniques, you could end up getting injured. If you follow a step-by-step guide, you will be able to get the job done in a really quick time.

So, now let the process start:

Step by Step Guide of Pole Saw Cutting Techniques:

Step 1: Clearing out the Work Area

Even before you start to use a pole saw, you have to clear out a large area. This space mostly covers any part below the branch. When you are done clearing out that area, the next part can be a bit hard. For this part, you have to make sure that there is a restricted zone where you are working.
The main reason for keeping everyone else out of this zone is to ensure their safety. You also need to make sure that you are not cutting anywhere near the electrical lines. Of course some parts of this process is similar to using a gas pole saw. For instance, you need to stay 50ft away from an electrical line while working.

You also need to prepare yourself for certain aspects. When you are trying to cut a small-sized bush there is every chance of it getting caught inside the chain. As such, there is every chance of it getting thrown back at your body. The whole sequence takes place in a matter of seconds and can get you injured.

Step 2: Planning the Cut

You should know by now that a pole saw can be really long. So, you will have to choose a specific spot in which you will make the cut. This part is quite similar to owning a gas pole saw. If you are completely new to this process then you need to fully concentrate on these pole saw cutting techniques.

When you are looking to remove a branch, you should make some preliminary cuts. In order to ensure precision, you can also make at least one jump cut. Now is the time for you to make a decision on which position you are going to cut from.

When you finally decide which part you are going to cut, execute the cut from its horizontal surface.

Step 3: Starting from the Bottom

There are many instances of people starting off the cut with the bottom of a branch’s top. If you want to get a clean cut, then this is not a very good place to start. Nonetheless, you can try to get a “V” cut. In order to get that cut, you should start off from the bottom using one angle.

After that, you need to revise that direction if you are looking to achieve a “V” cut. One of the best places to start off from is the bark layer. In this way, you will have very little problems with reaching the wood. Now, all that’s left is for gravity to run its course.

Keep in mind that if you are trying to cut water sprouts then using a pole saw is risky. After all, these plants grow vertically and is hard to obtain an optimal cut.

Step 4: Positioning the Pole Saw

For this step of the most important pole saw cutting techniques, you need to position the saw on an almost horizontal surface. The easiest way to do that is by using both of your hands at the same time. Since the equipment is heavy, you should pause for a little while.

This little maneuver helps you to gain advantage over its weight. After you get control, you must reposition the saw to its cutting position. As such, the weight is able to remain on the branch itself.

Step 5: Positioning Yourself

A large number of people have to use the pole saw while standing on a ladder. While your primary job is to hold the saw, you need to relocate yourself to a convenient position. Pick a spot from which it is easy to hold your end of the pole saw.

The best position to hold the pole saw is at the chest level. This is a very important step among the pole saw cutting techniques. You need to be alert that the tool does not go below your chest level. If the pole saw lowers down or goes up then the cut will not be perfect.

Step 6: Start Cutting and Carry On

The obvious thing to do after getting into position is to carry out the activity. In this case, you need to start cutting. Now, you need to be in control of the very first strokes so that there is precision. As such, you should take things slow for the time being.

In addition, you should look to make a perpendicular cut for the initial bite to reach really deep. You can achieve this without overdoing it if you are careful enough. Your aim has to be to make a tiny groove inside the branch for getting a guideline.

Step 7: Completing the Cut

A pole saw cuts on a pull saw and the same can be said for pruning saws. For the complete process, the pole saw is going to take the help of gravity.

Final Words

One of the most important things to remember is for you to remain cautious. As such, you need to keep your eyes close to the point where the branch falls. When you follow all of these pole saw cutting techniques, the tool will feel easy to use. Moreover, these techniques can ensure the safety of use with a gas pole saw.

In addition, when you take all the necessary preparations, you will feel confident while taking on projects. So, you are going to face very little issues with cutting a dense tree.