7 Reasons To Start Learning Herbology

Have you been wondering lately what degree to obtain? This is probably one of the hardest choices a person needs to make at the very beginning of his adult life and, in many cases, his whole future life will depend on what choice he makes.

Today, school graduates have a wide array of options in terms of their further education. Depending on your skills, knowledge, and interests, you can find a major that suits you most. And while there is a number of common choices, there are also not so popular ones, but still quite engaging – obtaining a herbology degree is one of them!

Top 7 Reasons to Start Learning Herbs

Wide Career Choice

What is the most important factor in the choice of degree? – Most people would say that it is a career choice that will open up once you obtain a specific degree. Well, believe it or not, here herbology has a significant benefit over many other disciplines!

It may sound surprising, but there are actually plenty of fields where herbology knowledge can be applied, including:

  • Teaching and education;
  • Wildlife;
  • Research;
  • Food and plant life;
  • Medicine, etc.

These are just a few of many career opportunities that will become available for you with a herbology degree. After all, you can even apply your knowledge in other fields not related to botany. For example, you can become one of professional PhD thesis writers in this field, create your own courses to educate people, and do whatever else, where your skills can apply. Thus, a wide range of career opportunities is the main reason to study herbology.

It Matters

We bet you know that plants produce 98% of oxygen through photosynthesis. This is one way how herbs are important for humanity, but there is even more to it than seems. 

Whether you realize it or not, all our food comes from plants (either directly or indirectly). What’s more, about one-quarter of prescription medicine also comes from plants. Finally, even energy resources like fossil fuels also come from plants. All these facts prove the important role plants play in our lives. Thus, studying them is important as well.


The financial matter also plays a crucial role in the choice of career. Thus, another reason to engage in herbs research is that career opportunities available for people who studied herbology often imply a competitive salary.

For example, as a botanist, you can make anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000+ annually, which sounds pretty good.

A Chance to Improve the Quality of Life in Your Household

Now, here is one big reason for if you are considering herbology for home study – it does have potential in helping you increase the quality of life.

Along with discovering different plants and herbs, you will also get an insight into their characteristics and features. Although there is a separate branch of study called herbal medicine, while learning herbology you can obtain some basic knowledge about the curing abilities of herbs and use this knowledge to ensure a better quality of life in your household.

Interaction with Nature

We all know how interacting with the natural world can be beneficial for our mental and physical health. Here you have one more reason to start learning herbology – when you do, you will interact with nature basically all the time and it is great!

Getting out into the fresh air regularly, discovering new herbs, and being one-on-one with the natural world – this all can help you experience the true joy of living, meanwhile obtaining professional knowledge.

Application of Knowledge in Everyday Life

One more reason to start learning plants is that herbology is one of those sciences you can use in everyday life.

Just to give you an example of how knowledge about herbs can come in handy in your casual life, let’s say, you are a fan of camping or hiking. Going out to nature for a week or so does require knowing at least the basics of herbology to know what plants you can face and what characteristics they have.

Personal Interest

The last, and maybe the biggest reason to start learning plants is if you have a personal interest in it. Of course, choosing a future career path we consider a wide range of factors. However, the best choice is always the one you are interested in the most.

Herbology can be very engaging, so if you are interested in it – that’s the main reason to start learning this discipline.

The Bottom Line

Depending on your personal objectives, goals, and areas of interest, learning herbology can be either extremely exciting or boring.

Just like any other major, it does have certain pros and cons, some of which we’ve described above. However, eventually, whether to start learning herbs or not all gets down to your personal preference. Therefore, the best tips we can possibly give you is to follow your heart! If you feel genuinely interested in studying herbology – don’t hesitate and go for it! And if you are not so confident, take your time to define whether it is the right choice for you or not.

Author’s Bio: The author of this article is Jeff Blaylock – a professional academic writer and a specialist in the field of herbology. Jeff shares that learning herbology has been his dream since high school, so he had no doubts about whether to obtain a degree in this field or not. For all of you, who are still in hesitation, Jeff shares a list of top reasons to start learning herbology created based on his own experience.