Indoor Herb Garden

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Planting an indoor herb garden in your kitchen doesn’t require much time or effort and is a great long-term investment. With fresh herbs at hand, you’ll cook healthier meals and may just get more creative trying to incorporate the greens into your favorite dishes. All you need to set up a little herb garden indoors is:

  • Pots or planters (with fitting saucers or trays)
  • Potting mix and small pebbles
  • Seeds or pre-grown herbs from your local nursery
  • A sunny spot or an artificial, fluorescent light

Pick a spot in your kitchen that gets a lot of natural light, like a windowsill or a countertop that’s close to a window. If your kitchen is on the smaller side, consider hanging the plants on a wall and if you don’t have big windows in your kitchen, get a fluorescent light so your herbs can grow well. 

Fill the bottom of your pots or planters with small pebbles before adding the potting mix and herbs of your choice. This will help with draining excess water the plants don’t need. Most herbs prefer well-drained soil and will develop root problems if they’re sitting in too much water. Make sure to place the pots on a saucer or tray to catch water and dirt coming out of the drainage holes when you water your herbs. 

When picking plants for your indoor herb garden, consider dishes that you really like or that could benefit from a little extra greens. Do you love the Italian cuisine? You should definitely grow basil in your indoor herb garden. If you’re a fan of tacos, cilantro will be a great addition and for anyone who can’t resist a juicy steak, thyme or rosemary will add flavor to your dish. 

Check out the helpful guide below to get a better idea how to care for your herbs so they’ll thrive indoors. You’ll see, just a few herbs in your kitchen will make a huge difference in the design and your diet!


Indoor Herb Garden