10 Tips for Controlling Pests in Your Garden


Your garden is a source of pride and inspiration, but it can become a frustrating part of your life if it becomes a home for pests. Insects and bugs will always be part of the environment, so anyone with a green thumb should learn how to keep them out of your yard. Check out these tips for controlling pests in your garden to make your favorite hobby even more enjoyable.

1. Watch Your Watering Schedule

Tiny bugs love damp soil. It keeps them cool and provides the perfect place to lay eggs. Watch your watering schedule as the seasons change. If the ground is still damp up to an inch deep when it’s time to water again, delay your watering until it dries out.

2. Till the Soil

Extensive gardens may require more tilling to control pest populations. Turning the soil over increases the organic matter your plants need to thrive. It also makes it easier to replace the dirt with fresh soil. You’ll remove any dirt that may contain unhatched eggs or existing pests and give your garden a clean slate for the upcoming growing season.

3. Grow Pest-Resistant Plants

You may be able to find pest-resistant seeds for whichever plants you want to add to your garden. Genetically modified (GMO) seeds naturally repel pests. They may cost a bit more, but the move could significantly improve your gardening experience this year.

4. Spray for Pests Regularly

Chemical-based and organic pesticides are a great garden addition. Spraying once each season will create a barrier that keeps insects out, but spraying routinely strengthens that protective barrier even during rainy periods. Check with a pest control expert or the spray bottle’s packaging to determine how often you should spray to make your pesticide most effective.

5. Pay Attention to Crops

Global warming makes it harder for insects to find food in standard resources. They’ll turn to household vegetable gardens to find snacks instead, leading ecologists to predict a 46% increase in wheat loss to pests along with other standard crops. Keep an eye on your crops as they grow to watch for bite marks as an indicator that you need additional pest control methods.

6. Clear Out Weeds

A thick bed of weeds beneath your garden may house multiple pest colonies. They shelter bugs from the weather and direct sunlight, so remove weeds as often as possible to keep pests out of your garden.

7. Set Up Insect Traps

Traps are a budget-friendly way to control pests in your garden. They’re weather-resistant and last for weeks, depending on which type of trap you decide to use. Pests will die in the trap or carry the poison back to their colony.

8. Remove Overripe Fruits and Vegetables

Rotten fruits and veggies are delicious food resources for insects. Harvest your crops as soon as they’re ready to eat. It’s crucial to keep your garden from feeding pests so they don’t establish long-term homes among your plants.

9. Avoid Keeping Yard Waste

You might use grass clippings to add nitrogen to your garden and help plants grow faster with organic fertilizer, but that could backfire. A pile of grass clippings and dead leaves could become another type of pest-friendly residence near your garden. Look for local yard waste facilities or pickup services to keep this type of waste from building up.

10. Find Seasonal Resources

Research which insects are most common where you live. The type of pests you need to battle will change with each season and depend on your region. Staying up-to-date on which insects are thriving will pinpoint the most effective pest control strategies.

Control Pests in Your Garden

Successfully growing plants takes more than the right amount of sun exposure and water. Use these tips for controlling pests in your garden to keep harmful insects away. You’ll spend less time battling bugs and more time enjoying your favorite hobby this year.


Jane is an environmental writer and the founder and editor-in-chief of Environment.co where she covers sustainability and eco-friendly living.