Creative ways to use handmade bricks in your garden

A garden is not just a garden, it is a place where we should feel comfortable, a place that we will be proud of, and most of all, a place that will look good. A garden presents your own personal oasis where you will spend most of the time in the summer, whether it is just relaxing, gardening, or entertaining friends and family. So if you want to spruce up your garden with some bricks, but are out of ideas, here are some creative ways on how you can do it. 

Patio floor

First off, you need to start with a nice, level floor. Brick patios are charming and easy to install, and not to mention keep up. The red hue in bricks will brighten your garden instantly, while perfectly blending with the greenery. There are many patterns in which you can lay the bricks, but the most popular is a jack-on-jack pattern, where one brick is directly on top of the other, in neat rows. Many other popular patterns include running bond pattern, where bricks are staggered from row to row, basket weave pattern and herringbone pattern. Whether you use brick pavers or real bricks is up to you. One of the best impression leaves the handmade bricks. Some companies still make handmade bricks like Elephant Brick Co. These bricks are great for floors because they are not all the same color, t like industrial bricks. They will make beautiful Mozaic on your patio.

Make a pathway

If you end up with leftover bricks, don’t chuck them! They will be perfect for a little side project of creating pathways. You can create a walkway to your door, or your front yard. Or, you can simply make a lovely walking path through your garden, making it as ornate or as simple as you wish. It will add that perfect rustic feel to your already beautiful garden, and the patio floor will feel more complete once you have a set path to walk on. And if your garden is on the smaller side, maybe you don’t have enough space to build a pathway, or you simply don’t want to. However, you can always create a focal point, where you will display your favorite plants, or install lighting. 

Build a planter

Whether you have your own vegetable garden or your preferable plants are flowers, a planter is always a good idea. Not only are you shielding your plants from pets and pests, but you are also making a little pedestal to stand on, and a beautiful focal point in your space. The planter doesn’t have to be in the shape of a raised bed, it can take many forms. For example, you can make a brick herb spiral, that doesn’t take up much space and looks pretty. Or, if your garden is on the smaller side, and you have bricks with holes in them, stack your bricks from the ground up and put succulents in the holes for a luxurious and lush feel. 

Make a fire pit

If you spend so much time outside already, why not treat yourself with your own fire pit? It is safe, gives you a cozy feel and looks perfect with some garden chairs around it. It doesn’t take long to build, and you can make it as deep or as shallow as you would like – it is the beauty of doing it yourself. Plus, you wouldn’t believe how easy it is – all you need is a shovel, some sand, and bricks. Mark the circle for your new fire pit and dig it out, then evenly spread the sand for the foundation. Lay your bricks and enjoy your new outdoor toy. 

Install edging

You can have edging in the projects above, but it is a little tricky and takes a little time. You will have to dig down a little to make way for the bricks, but ultimately, it will give your garden a much more polished and finished look. The edging can be installed to a patio for a rounded look, a pathway for lighting or a more polished feel. You can also add it to the planter, making a wider side so that you can potentially use it as an extra seat, or a bench.


Who knew that mere bricks can give you so many possibilities to decorate your garden and make it your own? We hope that, by reading this, you found at least one project to do before summer is over! 

If you’re looking for more DIY tips and homesteading skills, here is an in depth article.