Guest Post- Create Your Own Healing Garden


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Healing qualities of gardens have been valued since the earliest of times. A long time ago, the lush gardens with water features and many flowers (including very rare species), were created only for the richest as their own private sanctuaries. Now all you need is an outdoor space and you can do your magic and create your own healing garden. Here are some tips and trick you can try out.

For a gardener or a person who simply loves gardening, creating a healing garden doesn’t only heal the soul but also provides physical activity since you have to dig, plant, mown, pluck, clean, decorate, etc.  But what separates a healing garden from an outdoor area or a backyard?

A garden that mimics the essence of nature

A healing garden is a landscape designed for specific purpose and should incorporate natural elements. It should be consist of the elements that mimic the essence of nature so that you can interact with your surroundings and engage all of your senses. It is a place that provides joy, peace, and balance to the gardeners and gives inspiration to the visitors.

An escape from the worries 

A healing garden influences our health in a way that inspires peace and tranquility and helps us escape from all the hustle and bustle of our busy lifestyles. It represents a gate to another place, far away from the stress and worries, a personal sanctuary that helps us recharge our batteries and reconnect with our surroundings.

The element of water

Water is a crucial element in a healing garden. Including a water feature in your garden is essential in order to achieve the true healing. Still, water promotes peace and it is a great setting for meditation while the sound of water movement, the sparkle of running water helps restore our energy and engage all our senses.

The sounds of nature

The sounds of nature are very important for a healing garden. Many plants make sounds in light wind or when our pets walk by that you want to have in your garden. You should decorate the trees and bushes with wind chimes; install a birdhouse, birdbaths or feeders, basically any elements that will attract hummingbirds or songbirds.

The wonderful smell of flowery plants

Opt for many colorful plants that bloom all the year, from early spring to late autumn. Create a visual stimulation for your senses and enjoy the wonderful smell of lilacs, thyme, lavender, rosemary and many others. Place fragrant plants alongside paths, patios, back decks, doors or windows to make your garden a lovely aromatic space. Invest in quality gardening equipment to take care of your plants the right way. Install a hose reel and never have a problem with putting the hose away or tripping over it. You don’t want the gardening equipment to ruin the perfection of your healing garden.

Play with colors and create different zones

Choose warm colored petals, orange, yellow, reds to inspire emotions and activity and choose a corner where you will plant blue, white, purple colored flowers to promote peacefulness and use it for a meditation session. If you have a red brick wall in your backyard, grow climbing ivy over it and create a perfect color contrast that looks pretty romantic. So follow the principle, create different zones, create places of warmth and excitement where you can spend time, depending on your mood.

A symbolic entrance

The gate also has a symbolic meaning for a healing garden. It represents a border between a real world and your own personal serenity sanctuary. The entrance of the garden is the place where the rest of the word is left behind along with the negative energy – you should enter prepared to leave your worries at the gate. Inspire others (guests, neighbors, family members) to do the same and keep your healing garden problem and stress-free.

Following these simple tips you will create the perfect healing garden that suits your needs and wants and perfectly depicts your personality. Create a sanctuary where you will spend time with your loved ones, soaking in the nature that surrounds you, engaging all senses and simply relaxing.

Leave the negativity at the gate and focus on what’s good for the soul.


Submitted by Hannah Thomas

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Hannah Thomas is a gardening and home décor enthusiast. Garden is the place where she feels most comfortable, that’s why there are always a lot of books and empty coffee cups on the back porch.  Always learning, exploring and smiling. 
