Guest Post- Plant Power: 7 Miracle Herbs For Hair Growth


Most of the ladies turn to “miracle” products advertised in the media to get to the point where they will be able to brag about healthy and long hair, however, in many cases, the effects of these products are far from the pretentious ad slogans. 

Have you noticed how the products that seem the most appealing to us always accentuate one natural ingredient as their main advantage? So, why wouldn’t you skip all that and went straight to the source, that is the plant itself? 

Herbs are a fantastic way to boost your hair growth, enhance its shine, improve its texture, and restore moisture. Here are seven excellent plants that will help you achieve all that.

Aloe Vera


Aloe vera is a well-known source of goodness in the cosmetic world, and it is believed to be the cure for many things, including dandruff, eczema, hair fall, and scalp irritation. It is also used to maintain the shine and health of the hair. 

Due to its richness in antioxidants and vitamins, this plant stimulates hair growth and nourishes the follicles. It adds volume and texture, making the hair thicker and more resistant. Aloe coats the hair strand and protects it from outer influences.

This succulent is famous for its cooling and soothing properties, as well. It relieves irritation and rejuvenates the hair.

It can be mixed with olive oil and massaged into the scalp, or used as a conditioner. 

Marshmallow root

Marshmallow has many healing and beauty properties. It is especially recommended for persons with a sensitive scalp, and for those who have dry or curly hair. 

The root has a slippery substance (mucilage), which softens the hair naturally while making the combining easier. If you use it regularly, it could help solve problems with frizz and flyaways. 

The road to healthy hair starts all the ways from the scalp, which is why marshmallow root ’s soothing properties are essential for fighting irritation and making the hair grow faster.

Marshmallow root rinse is the most ideal way to moisturize scalp and hair.


Peppermint also bring many perks to your hair. Because of a compound called menthol, peppermint has antimicrobial, anesthetic, vasodilating (improving blood flow), and anti-inflammatory properties. All these joined together, improve circulation, clean the pores, and boost hair growth.


When it comes to hair care, peppermint is most frequently used in the form of oil. Because of its strong properties, it is often recommended to mix peppermint with castor oil and get the best of both. Castor oil can neutralize the potential side effects of using too much peppermint oil too often while helping you pick up the most important benefits from both natural ingredients.


You wouldn’t believe just how many positive uses are there from a herb that grows almost everywhere around us. Dandelion is rich in Vitamin A and iron, both of which are crucial for treating scalp conditions. 

Dandelion root is particularly beneficial for hair growth because it contains magnesium, potassium, iron, choline, calcium, phosphorus, and many vitamins. These nutrients feed your scalp and follicles which results in healthy and fast-growing hair.


Furthermore, all parts of the dandelion are useful for treating dandruff and reducing hair grease. You can rinse your hair with dandelion tea, use dandelion oil, or drink tea made of this herb.


Parsley is not there just to put it in a bowl of soup or use it as a meal decoration. This herb boosts the production of collagen and keratin in the scalp, making it a miracle-worker when it comes to hair growth.

It also improves the blood flow and contains antioxidants which protect the hair. Parsley contributes to melanin synthesizes, and thus shields the hair from sun damage. It can be used as a simple herbal rinse (boiled in water) or ground and mixed with water and applied as a hair mask.


The very name of this plant suggests that it is meant for hair care. Maidenhair is an excellent treatment for hair loss. Like some of the previous herbs, it improves the blood flow to the scalp, thus promoting hair growth. This fern is especially useful for restoring your hair with the shine it lost due to chemical treatments (e.g., hair dye), heat, and outside influences.

It is used as a rinse for which you need to combine dry maidenhair leaves and water and let it boil. After this, all you need to do is to rinse freshly washed hair with the combo.



Marigold, otherwise called calendula, has an abundance of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, which help in fighting inflammation. Not only that, it boosts the blood flow and enhances the production of collagen, thus promoting healthy hair growth. Finally, marigold intensifies the tensile strength of the hair shaft. 

It can be applied alone, or used as a moisturizing carrier oil.

All of these plants and their products can be found and used easily, and the rewards they bring are multiple. Try them out and see that lustrous and long hair you have always dreamed of can be achieved without turning to expensive and suspicious commercial products.