How to Become a Tree Surgeon

Whenever we hear the term “surgery”, the first thing that comes to our mind is an operation theater and lots of blood. So, when you hear about tree surgeons, it’s not uncommon to get confused. Believe it or not, trees also need help, and tree surgeons offer exactly that. They are more than tree cutters; they are craftsmen who are skilled in what they do. 

If you are interested in knowing about how to become a tree surgeon then stick with us and find out.


If you love nature and aren’t shy about going outdoors on a regular basis, becoming a tree surgeon could be a potential career path. It’s a skilled based occupation so it definitely needs a certain level of expertise. 

Moreover, Tree Surgeon Dublin will help you with necessary information about becoming a tree surgeon. So, why not choose a career where you can do what you love?

What is a tree surgery?

Just like humans, trees also need healing. Tree surgery refers to a procedure to cure certain diseases of a tree by cutting the diseased part and then providing treatment to cure the rest in order to ensure a healthy life for the tree.

What does a tree surgeon do?

As the name implies, a tree surgeon helps the trees live longer and looks after the tree. Alongside tending to trees, tree surgeons also diagnose diseases and assist in pest control. Tree surgeons are also on-call for emergency situations regarding trees. From planting to cutting, they will do everything required for them to do to ensure the tree lives a long healthy life.

Qualifications of a tree surgeon

There is no formal requirement needed to become a tree surgeon. But, without practical experience, it’s hard to get a head start in this industry. Proficiency in using a chainsaw, basic tree climbing skills, and understanding how to work at high places safely is a must.

Routes to becoming a tree surgeon

Most people choosing this career route would prefer to learn with a hands-on approach. Learning on the job through apprenticeship or community service will provide you with the opportunity to hone your skills. Just like how human surgeons need to complete an internship, tree surgeons also need to start from the ground up. 

There are university courses, college courses, and diplomas to help speed up your career a little. Specialist colleges offer level two and three courses on arboriculture and provide knowledge about safety procedures for each kind of job, potential difficulties, and help develop problem-solving skills. 

Getting an educational course is not mandatory, but there’s no alternative for practical experience. There’s no room for skipping that part. As long as you are well equipped with the necessary skills needed for the job, you are good to go.

Equipment of a tree surgeon

The surgeons possess specialized equipment for various tasks such as:

  • Chainsaws
  • Wood chippers
  • Prunes
  • Shears
  • Elevated platforms
  • Harness
  • Ropes
  • Ladders
  • Axes
  • Hammers
  • First aid kit

Also, you will find fantastic reviews about different tree related tools on   

Skills needed for a tree surgeon

  1. Fitness: More than anything, a tree surgeon needs fitness. Not just physical fitness, mental fitness is important as well. It is a gruesome job that puts lots of stress on the body and mind.
  2. Communication: If working with a team, tree surgeons need great communication skills. Good command over the local language and getting your point across seamlessly is an underrated life skill. In crunch situations, good communication can even prevent injuries.
  3. Teamwork: For big projects, tree surgeons will be working together. Good teamwork is necessary to get the job done efficiently and safely.
  4. Safety: A tree surgeon must be aware of proper safety protocols and abide by it; they also should be able to perform first aid if necessary.


Becoming a tree surgeon is not an easy task; same can be said about acquiring the skills to thrive in this occupation. However, after reading our article we’re sure you will know how to become a tree surgeon and from where you should start.

Make your aspirations a reality, doing something you love is a blessing.