How to Write an Article on Gardening

Description: Gardening for most people is an escape route. For others, it is an escape outlet for their creative skills. Writing about gardening is a thing that has over the years gained recognition. Here are some reasons to consider.

Writing at its Best, Gardening Style

    When it comes to writing about gardening, most people shy away from it because they think they do not have what it takes to grow an entire garden. What most people need is the love for beautiful colours and plants and the love for writing. 

   Writing for gardeners can encompass everything from giving ideas on how gardeners can improve their soil to allow for more growth to how beautiful a garden is. These writings can give certain valuable lessons and tricks to gardeners to be able to make the best decisions about their gardening space. People forget that there are different aspects to gardening. Gardening can be done as a hobby, a form of relaxation to ease the tension from the world around, or a means to beautify a space. These gardening ideas can be given by people who understand the soil and even people who simply appreciate the tranquility that a garden brings. 

    Writing on gardening, as mentioned before, has many facets. It is either as an appreciation post to the beauty that plants bring to the world, a way to suit gardens to your everyday needs. Some people write a step-by-step procedure on how to grow some of the juiciest vegetables around and others simply write about building gardening sheds and other things that may not necessarily be related to the green field. 

The truth of the matter is, anyone can write for gardening if they choose to. It’s only a matter of getting which facet of gardening you prefer and picking up a pen and paper.

The readers of Garden Writing Pieces 

  There are quite a number of gardening magazines that glorify getting your fingers dirty. These gardening magazines feature several techniques that make gardening not only necessary but beautiful and fun. It can be seen in some of those writeups how these ideas are so meticulously written. 

   Most of the time, the target for such material are the older folk, people who have retired and find solace in gardening. If you want to reach younger people, you might have to try a few other things which appeal to the younger crowd. First off, you should attempt to get a blog. Starting a blog for gardening is as fresh as an idea could get. You could inculcate ideas learned from several places in your writing to draw in the readers. 

    Because there is no one way to visualize gardening, people find that they are drawn to anything that is new and fresh especially when it poses no harm to the crops on the ground. Having a blog that educates people on new and refreshing ideas to change their gardens is a perfect way to begin. In fact, you could easily visit different gardens and watch how different techniques are applied to making a single plant grow and make it the main point of the discussion. You could simply ask yourself, ‘how can I use all these experiences to write my essay?’ And have the answered delivered at your doorstep: Just write! 

Ways to Make Writing About Gardening Fun

  • Using pictures

One of the best ways to draw anybody in when writing is by using pictures. Since writing on gardening is under nonfiction, there isn’t the liberty to paint ideas which have never existed or make people’s imaginations go wild. Giving them several photos to see and appreciate how natural and real gardening is can get your readers enthused about the whole idea. 

     Try getting a good photographer to take candid images of the garden you wish to write about. Have it done in such a way that the colours flourish and show a lot of beauty in the way these little plants come to light. This is a great way to gain readers.

  • Vlogging about it 

In order to make your writing a little more intriguing, you might want to make a series out of what you are working on. Fortunately, you could begin to vlog, from the moment a seed is put in the ground to when it becomes a seedling. Having people anticipate with you forces them to want to find out more. Taking that opportunity to write about several techniques you used, detailing every second of it with great precision, you might be able to get a large enough following. The whole idea would be to include people from the start. You write about things you are doing and show people how you are doing it. This makes the writing more fun and engaging and you are sure to get a lot of feedback from happy and excited followers.

Choosing to write about gardening could be written off as the worst possible subject to write about. However, once you have the best ideas, you would find yourself enjoy the feeling of writing about greenery soon enough. Just keep adding content and then in time, you will end up with a large following interested in reading your works.

About the author

    Mollie Porein discovered her love for gardening as quickly as she discovered her love for cats. She and her cat Tabby live in a small house with a big backyard that she has developed into gardening space. Her experience from reading and writing about gardening helps her to share her knowledge to other people around her. When she’s not getting her hands dirty or petting a cat, the author enjoys swimming, singing, dancing and reading books.