Keto Foods List

While I am not a devotee of the Ketogenic Diet, I do try and limit my carbohydrate intake. The folks at Naked Nutrition have put together a pretty complete list of common foods and their carbohydrate load.

If you’re into fitness, nutrition trends, or celebrities then you’re probably familiar with the keto diet. The ketogenic diet or “keto” for short, is a high-fat, low-carb, and moderate-protein nutrition plan that helps individuals lose weight. 

But like any low-carbohydrate diet, there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about weight loss. It’s good to understand all the facts before diving in headfirst. 

Keto dieters consume whole foods like leafy greens, vegetables, meats, and seafood to transition into ketosis. This occurs when the body shifts from burning carbs (glucose) as its primary fuel source to burning fats (fatty acids) stored in the liver.