Now Is the Perfect Time to Start Gardening: A How-to Guide


When you walk past the gardening section of your local store, do colorful seed packets and pots catch your eye? You might feel like you need to wait on planting until later in the year, but now is the perfect time to start gardening. It’s time to get started with your favorite new plants and enjoy the hobby that makes your heart skip a beat.

1. Find the Right Spot

Every garden needs a location. Will you plant everything outside in your backyard or use pots to raise your plants indoors? It depends on where you live and how much space you have. You’ll also have to keep the size of your future garden in mind before making your final decision. 

2. Pick Your Plants

Your garden’s success depends on what you grow. Something that demands more time and knowledge than you have will likely fail. Gauge your gardening experience and pick the best plants for your current skill set. You’ll have a great time no matter what you bring home from your local nursery.

3. Get the Right Gardening Tools

You’ll need tools to create and tend to your garden, so think about where you’ll need to set it up. A shovel will help you turn over dirt, and a sprinkler will save you time. An indoor garden requires a watering can and multiple-sized pots for growing root systems.

4. Prepare Your Garden  

Once you know what you’ll grow, prepare your garden and the surrounding area. Turn over the soil to give it fresh oxygen and ensure it isn’t too dense for plants to form roots. Reevaluate your lawn care and think about switching to eco-friendly alternatives to protect your new plants. Insect repellants like cedarwood oil prevent chemicals from ruining your lawn and seeping into the plants you’re working so hard to grow.

5. Check the Calendar

Before opening your tempting seed packets, check the calendar. The changing seasons require different types of maintenance, like covering strawberry plants before frost sets in. Hot weather will also require more frequent watering, especially if your garden remains in direct sunshine all day.

6. Create a Schedule

Schedules help even the best gardeners stay on track with their plants’ needs. Set reminders in your calendar or on your computer for things like watering, weeding and fertilizing. You can also check when to harvest your vegetables to know when everything is ready for picking. 

7. Test the Soil

Sometimes soil lacks nutrients or the proper pH balance for plants to thrive. You won’t know just by looking at it, so find a soil kit at a nearby garden store or online. You’ll discover exactly what your garden needs even after planting everything. It could solve sudden mysteries like why your plants aren’t as big as they should be or why they wilt so quickly.

8. Take Careful Notes

As you prepare your garden, grab a journal and take careful notes during your experience. Log your watering routine and which fertilizers you use or avoid. If something goes wrong, it will be easy to reflect on what happened and adjust your gardening habits later.

You’ll also quickly pick up trends you might not otherwise spot. Specific pests might return every year or only eat away at one type of plant. The attention to detail will save your future gardens and teach you more about caring for growing flowers or vegetables.

Keep Track of Your Gardening Progress

Using a gardening how-to guide like this one will help you keep track of your progress. It’s always the perfect time to start gardening, so research plants and jump into the hobby. With a bit of patience, you’ll have a great experience.


Jane is an environmental writer and the founder and editor-in-chief of where she covers sustainability and eco-friendly living.