Plants That Have Mental Health Benefits

Regular readers of this blog will know full well that many plants have a wide range of qualities which can be hugely beneficial for one’s wellbeing. Some are especially useful for physical health and fitness, while others are known to help with mental health. It’s plants of the latter category that we are going to look at here. Here are some of the plants that have some huge benefits for your mental health, and which you will therefore definitely want to consider making use of in your own life.

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Hemp has had a long and varied history in its relationship with human beings, and of course part of that has involved quite dramatically different opinions towards it. On the whole, however, hemp is a really useful plant, and when it comes to mental health, its benefits are really quite profound. In the form of CBD oil, for instance, it can be used to very effectively fight anxiety and stress, and even depressive symptoms. It’s certainly a plant that you will want to look into if you are keen to live a happier and fuller life.

Snake Plant

Otherwise known as the bedroom plant, or mother-in-law’s-tongue, the snake plant is a very commonly-seen houseplant, and one that can be very useful in a lot of ways. In terms of physical health it’s actually quite useful too, because it has a way of purifying the air in a space. That also helps with your mental wellbeing, and it’s one of the reasons that having this plant in the room very often makes it feel like a much more cheerful and enjoyable place to be. What’s more, it is a low-maintenance plant that is very easy to care for.


The smell of lavender in the home can be really beautiful, and it’s quite an amazing scent to have nearby at all times. If you have ever smelled it, you will know that it tends to have this very natural ability to calm and soothe the senses. This is definitely a hugely beneficial aspect of the lavender plant that you are going to want to be aware of. Keeping some nearby can help you to be calmer and to relax more fully, so that’s definitely something that you can be glad for here. You’ll find these benefits even with dried lavender, or with the flowers of the plant kept in a pot.

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There is an old Shakespeare line about rosemary being good for memory, and as it turns out, the Bard was right – modern science has confirmed that a whiff of rosemary can work wonders for being able to remember things. Good memory has strong links with positive mental health in general, so it’s definitely something that you are going to want to think about if you are keen on making sure of that. Keep some rosemary around the home and you’ll find that you are much happier on the whole in no time. It’s amazing how effectively this can work.