Top 8 Plants You Can Easily Grow and Harvest at Home

Gardening is a great hobby for people of all ages. Not only can it increase the amount you exercise throughout the year, it can also improve your mental well-being as well. Research has shown that regular gardeners are less likely to suffer from heart attacks or come down with Alzheimer’s disease. Not only that, gardening can be beautiful as well as practical. You can grow your own spices or herbs for your food, as well as gorgeous bouquets to appear on your table. 

However, not all of us are born with a green thumb. That doesn’t mean you have to sit on the sidelines and stare wistfully at your neighbor’s blossoming garden. Now’s the time to get your hands dirty and learn a new skill! If you’re new to the gardening scene, here’s our top 8 plants that you can easily grow and harvest at home.


These flowers are the perfect beginner plant as they are very hard to kill. Found in most places around the United States, this plant is also resilient to even some of the coldest winters and can also handle warm-weather states as well. If you live in a colder state, plant your pansies in direct sunlight, but if you’re located in a warmer climate, choose a spot that has some shade. These flowers do best when planted in moist soil spaced about 7 to 12 inches apart.


Like the pansy, this plant is suitable to grow in just about any climate and are particularly hardy. Not only that, they come in a huge variety. You have to have very specific conditions to start tomato seeds, so beginner gardeners may want to purchase young plants from their local garden center. Also, novice gardeners should start with a small variety (like cherry tomatoes), as large varieties may rot prematurely if left alone too long. Depending on what type of tomato you’re growing, you’ll want to place your young plants between 12 to 48 inches apart.


Who doesn’t love fresh basil on their salad or pizza? Not only is it fragrant and delicious, it also can serve as a natural bug repellent to keep out unwanted visitors in your garden. Talk about a win-win situation! Garden basil needs plenty of sunlight, so consider that when planting. Don’t forget to plant any seeds at least 12 inches apart. Water them lightly whenever the soil feels dry and you’ll have a delicious treat all summer long!


Not only are these flowers beautiful and iconic, they’re also great for beginners! They don’t need much in the way of fertilizing, they can thrive in all but the soggiest soils and they can weather droughts. Just plant these babies in direct sunlight and watch them thrive. Be sure to keep them away from any other plants you may be growing, especially ones that also need direct sunlight, like a row of tall sunflowers that can throw unwanted shade on nearby plants. For best results, plant them at least 6 inches apart. 



Marigolds are another perfect flower for beginners as they look amazing, bloom for a very long time (from Spring until early Fall) and can grow in just about any type of soil. 



Looking for another vegetable that’s easy to grow and harvest at home? The zucchini should be a staple of your garden. Hardy and incredibly prolific, after you plant their seeds you’ll soon have enough of these veggies to feed a small army. Within a single season, a solitary zucchini plant can grow up to 10 pounds worth of vegetables!


This is a good plant for beginner gardeners, but especially if you live in a cold climate state. Not only is this plant-filled with iron, vitamin C and folic acid, but it is also adapted to endure cold weather and can be harvested at whatever size you prefer. You’ll need to prime your seeds before planting, which involves soaking them for 24 hours and then storing them in an air-tight ziplock bag for about a week.


Finally, another cool-weather crop that can round out your beginner’s garden and is super good for you too. Packed with vitamin E, vitamin A, and potassium, the radish is known to help cleanse the stomach and liver so it’s perfect for those looking to “reset” their digestive tract.  The radish develops delicious spicy bulbs during the cooler parts of spring and fall, so they’re a perfect plant to harvest after all your summer crops have run out. These plants grow quickly and can be ready for harvest just 33 days after planting!