Wellness on a Limited Schedule: Tips for Success

If you’ve got a tight schedule to follow, working out can fall to the bottom of the list. Despite all the health benefits you can get from spending half an hour jogging 3 times a week, there just isn’t time to carry it regularly! That’s a common problem that many people run into. But if you want to focus on your wellness throughout the winter, we’ve got some tips for you. Your limited schedule doesn’t have to hold you back! 

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Move at Work

If you’ve got a job that allows you to move around freely, this is your chance to fit some workout moves into your normal day. Even if you’ve got a desk job to work, you can fit in a few exercises to help your blood flow and your heart to stay healthy. Leg and back exercises are the most popular fit here, but if you can get down and stretch as well you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor. 

Exercise in Short Bursts

Exercising in short bursts has a great impact – you just need to do high intensity movements to fill up the time. High intensity is anything that gets your heart rate up fast and then keeps it there, while only having 5 or 10 minutes to achieve the exercise feeling you’re looking for. And if you’ve only got a half hour lunch break, you could fit in a high intensity circuit without much bother. Check out a full list of great exercises, especially if you’re trying to focus on strength and cardio at the same time. 

Go to Bed Earlier, Wake Up Earlier

Going to bed earlier on a regular basis is a great thing to do no matter your age, but especially if you want to fit a little more focus onto your wellness. If you get to sleep earlier, you’ve got a much better guarantee of getting a full 8 hours, and you can also rise a bit earlier. And when you get up earlier than usual, you can fit a bit of exercise in! You can go for a 20 minute run, or even a swim down the local pool, and then be home again to get ready for work without much trouble.

Get Involved with Active Hobbies

If you want to feel more ‘well’, it’s not just about the exercise element. You should also get out and about just because it’s good for you. Meet new people by getting involved in local clubs and events. That’s very good for your mind. And if those activities tend to be on the physical side too, you can get some secret exercise out of it. Now that’s a double whammy for people who worry about both their exercise regularity and their social life!


If you have little time in the week to focus on yourself, tips like these can help. Use them to the fullest!