10 Herbs You Can Eat On The Keto Diet

Managing bodyweight issues can get quite tricky in these times. Especially with all the junk food and unhealthy eating habits, you must keep a check on what goes into your body. Picking a proper diet that works for you is hard; however, you can never go wrong with the Ketogenic diet.

It might take some time for you to understand how the diet works, but once you get the hang of it, there is no looking back. Here are a few herbs that can be good additions to your Keto food list.

Indian mixed spices

Popularly known as Garam Masala in India, this is a combination of five to six herbs mixed together. It has different versions that might be spicy. You can make a paste out of it or put it in your food in a powdered form; it would add flavor to your bland meal. 


Ginseng is a herb that is sufficiently low on carbohydrates and hence is a great option to include in your Keto diet. There have been many opinions on if it really works or not. However, recent studies show that it does have properties that can boost your metabolism and help lose weight. 


Olive oil and basil is a winning combination if you want to lose weight. Originally from Greece, basil traveled around the world and soon became popular for its flavorful aroma. A salad made with fresh vegetables and added basil is good for your Keto diet.


Oregano is a very easy to grow herbs, you can grow it indoors and outdoors. Very few people know it, but this simple herb used in pizzas and pasta holds a lot of importance when it comes to weight loss. It is full of flavor and great for adding in your diet. Maintaining a diet does not have to be necessarily boring, and oregano is the best example of it. Just add a bit of it, and you are good to go.


Very close to celery, this annual herb can work wonders for losing that extra weight. It is mostly used in different types of seasoning and enhances the taste of your food with ease; only a small amount of Dill will do the trick. Best used in recipes that have eggs in it.


Thyme is a herb that has almost zero calories. This makes it the best option to incorporate in your diet if you are looking forward to losing weight. Many keto food experts, including the chefs at ketoasap.com suggest adding thyme to pasta, steak or poultry-based dishes to enhance the flavours and taste.


Another very underrated herb that can aid your weight loss regime smoothly is Rosemary. It had antioxidants in abundance, making it helpful for keeping your blood sugar levels under control and hence aiding weight loss. 


With lessened carbohydrate intake, you must have fiber in your diet to keep the body going. Parsley is a herb that is rich in fiber and is easy to incorporate in your regular meals. Strict diets often leave you dehydrated, and that is why water retention is essential. 

Including Parsley in your diet would help you with that. It is great for regulating blood sugar levels as well. Parsley has oil called Eugenol that aids blood sugar moderation. Hence, it is a safe option for people with diabetes who are struggling to lose weight. 


While on Keto, regular healthy drinks are a must. It helps your body retain water and keeps your stomach full to stop hunger pangs. Peppermint is a good option to add to your morning tea or even before going to bed. Peppermint can curb your appetite and hence help reduce weight.


This is very helpful, especially for women with PCOD. It can be quite difficult to lose weight if you are suffering from this condition. However, including spearmint in your diet can help shoot up your estrogen levels. Spearmint has the ability to regulate hormones, resulting in weight loss. 

While the type of food you eat on a weight loss regimen is important, it’s also important to exercise regularly to keep your muscles strong and your brain alert. Total Shape is a recumbent bike advertised as good for seniors, but really, it’s great for anyone of any age.