Garden Veggies That Help Whiten Your Teeth

Recently we talked a little bit about herbs that help with your oral health. There are a number of of herbs from your garden like peppermint, turmeric, and basil that have natural properties to help you fight tooth decay and related ailments caused by poor oral hygiene.  

For example, did you know that basil is not only delicious on your pizza and pasta, it naturally helps detoxify your mouth with antibacterial properties that can help prevent cavities and alleviate mouth sores? Traditionally, it has been used to fight halitosis too.  

And, because it improves your oral health, basil is great for keeping your smile whiter. But it isn’t only herbs in your garden that can improve the looks of your teeth. If you are specifically looking to whiten your smile, there are a number of garden vegetables that will give you help in that arena too.

These plants have properties that, along with proper brushing and other good dental habits, can prevent tooth discoloration and, over time, even actively whiten teeth. 

Auraglow prepared a printable list that gives a good idea of which parts of your garden will be good to cultivate a winning smile. 

In particular, fibrous vegetables, like celery, carrots, and broccoli are excellent for keeping a teeth whiter.  Broccoli contains nutrients like iron that help cut down on inflammation while protecting teeth from the acids that can lead to discoloration. Carrots are loaded with vitamin A and keratin which helps strengthen tooth enamel. Even the humble onion is loaded with antimicrobial benefits that ward off the effects of the sweet snacks and acidic treats.

The list below also warns about the kinds of foods from your garden to have in moderation if you want to protect your smile. Beets and some berries, for example, have obvious staining qualities, however strawberries, because of their vitamin C content, actually do the work of whitening your teeth.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy your tomato sauces and your beets, but taking care to brush your teeth soon after you eat those kinds of foods will give you a better chance of beating tooth decay and discoloration and keeping your whites more pearly.

foods that naturally whiten teeth