How Can Yoga Keep Us Healthy During The Pandemic


This year has been an especially tough one for the entire world. Among many other things, we are in the midst of a global pandemic. Most of us have never seen anything like this before. That being said, it is incredibly important to stay healthy, both mentally and physically, during this pandemic. 

Many people do yoga. However, so many people who do yoga don’t realize exactly what it can do for our bodies and minds. How can yoga keep us healthy during the pandemic? Besides the obvious, there are several reasons why yoga is an amazing tool to keep us healthy during this pandemic. This post will take a look at some of them. 

Yoga has been used for centuries to improve health and ward off disease. That is why it is crucial to incorporate some yoga into your life. Whether it be once a week or once a day, your body will thank you. If you’ve never done yoga, perhaps this is a great time to start. Or maybe you practice yoga regularly. Either way, yoga is an important practice to incorporate into your life, and it could really help you out in times such as now. 

If you do yoga or have considered taking it up, there has never been a better time to practice. That being said, let’s take a look at how yoga can keep us healthy during a pandemic. You may be surprised at what yoga can actually do for your mind and your body. 

5 Reasons Yoga Can Keep Us Healthy During A Pandemic

  1. It can help to keep you mentally grounded. The pandemic has been incredibly stressful for so many people across the world. Due to job lay-offs, isolation, and the stress of trying to avoid getting the virus, it has taken a mental toll on so many people. That being said, yoga can help! Yoga – and growing an herb garden – can keep you grounded and bring your awareness to the present moment. This is extremely important in times like these because it will take your focus off of the stress of the situation and bring it to the present moment, in which you are doing something good for your body.
  1. Yoga can relieve stress and anxiety. Because stress and anxiety are running high right now, there has never been a better time to do yoga. Yoga, when practiced regularly, can reduce stress and anxiety and multiple studies have shown that it can decrease the secretion of cortisol, which is the main stress hormone in our bodies. As most of us know, stress can lead to several health issues, so keeping it in check is important to remaining healthy. That is why it is such a great release to practice yoga in times of a pandemic when stress levels are high. 
  1. Yoga can help to improve your mindset. Our minds tend to get the better of us these days. However, yoga is an excellent outlet for this. Physical health is very important, but mental health is just as important. You can connect your mind and body, creating a much calmer presence and giving yourself the tools you need to relax.
  1. Yoga can strengthen your immune system. Preparing your body for an illness is a lot like preparing your herb garden for the winter. Yoga is a great way to strengthen your immune system, which is what your body needs in order to fight off any virus. Yoga is a great way to build your immune system because it helps to lower stress hormones which can compromise your immune system. This is especially helpful in times like these.
  1. Yoga can relieve pain. Yoga can be used for pain relief. Not only is yoga a good workout, but it can actually help to relieve chronic and non-chronic pain. According to Yoga Alliance, studies have shown that practicing yoga asanas (postures) and meditation can help people with conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, auto-immune diseases, arthritis, and other chronic conditions manage their pain. By combining the poses that create strength and stability with those that stretch the body out, as well as with meditation (which has an immense number of benefits in itself), your body will feel better than it has in years! 

As you can see, yoga can be incredibly beneficial to the body, not only during times of a pandemic but at any time. It is important to keep your body and mind in good health always, but with a worldwide virus spreading rapidly, it is especially important. Some may even say imperative. Be sure to do something good for your body and mind. And remember to choose a good mat for your practice, an eco-friendly cork yoga mat is highly recommended. Perhaps yoga is just what you need to relax, relieve some stress, and get in better shape than you’ve ever been!

Author’s BIO: Lori Wade is a journalist from Louisville. She is a content writer who has experience in small editions, Lori is now engaged in news and conceptual articles on the topic of DIY and yoga. If you are interested in sport or lifestyle, you can find her on LinkedIn.