How to Create Your Own Hand Soap

In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic,  the need to sanitize has significantly been emphasized. You have to wash your hands and observe physical distancing to protect yourself from getting infected. However, hand sanitizers and hand soaps have always been frequently off the shelf.

People have been hoarding essentials due to the quarantine lockdown. Now, you do not have to worry. It is not impossible to create your handsoap. It is pretty easy and quick to make.

Did you know you only need four things to create a hand soap? Check out the ingredients and steps on how to make one. You will surely love this lemon-scented hand soap.

What are the Things Needed?

You need the following things to ensure you can create a scented yet safe hand soap.

  • Water. Prepare ¾ cup of water.
  • Liquid Castile Soap. Prepare ¼ cup of Castile soap.
  • Essential Oil. You can use lemon essential oil for an aromatic lemon scent. Prepare 20 drops.
  • Soap dispenser. Use a regular hand soap dispenser or a foaming hand dispenser. If you will recycle an old soap dispenser, cleanse the container thoroughly to remove soap residues. 

Gather the needed items and start making your hand soap!

Steps in Creating DIY Hand Soap

  1. Prepare the soap dispenser. Whether you are using a brand new or recycled soap dispenser, ensure that you have cleaned it thoroughly. 
  2. Get ¾ cup of water and pour it inside the soap dispenser.
  3. Add ¼ cup of Castile soap. Castile soap is made from plant oils that are considered safe for most skin types. The soap penetrates pores with their antibacterial agents. It is excellent for keeping you safe from bacteria without drying your skin.
  4. Add the essential oil of your preference. You can use lemon essential oils or experiment with other oil variation. The essential oils will help remove any type of odor and moisturizes your skin at the same time. 
  5. Cover the soap dispenser and shake well. 

That’s how easy creating your hand soap is. You can do it in less than 5 minutes!

Thing to Remember

You do not have to add the essential oils. Although it is optional, the added oil and vitamin E helps moisturize the skin. Any essential oil will work. You can experiment with other options such as lavender or peppermint. Oils will not blend with the water. You have to shake the soap before use.

Always Sanitize with Hand Soap

Whatever you do– whether it is gardening, doing the laundry, or cleaning the house, always sanitize. Washing your hands only with water will not remove the bacteria. You need to wash it with hand soap. Moreover, liquid hand soap is suggested more than bar soaps as it reduces the risk of bacteria exposure. 

If you went out for groceries or heading out to the laundry, it is expected you cannot wash your hands with water and soap. That’s the time you have to bring your hand sanitizer. 

Final Thoughts

There’s nothing to worry about if the hand soaps at your local store are out of stock. You can always create your hand soap with the guide above. It is easy and quick to follow. Remind yourself to wash your hands frequently. Ensure you know the essential hand washing techniques.