Is Your Pet Bringing Unwanted Pests Into the Home?

Pets bring great joy to millions, if not billions, of individuals and families across the states and the rest of the planet.

According to the AVMA, there are over 76 million dogs in the states. There are also tens of millions of cats, birds, and other domesticated animals being kept as companions and pets.

While generally there is no concern with having a pet inside a home, there is some concern when it comes to certain pests that can hitch a ride on a dog or cat.

These pests could present health problems to your family, yourself, and of course, your loving pet.

What pests could your dog or cat be bringing into the home?

There are quite a few insects and pests that can cause disease and irritation in dogs and cats, but there are just a few that will actively attach themselves to the pet.

Fleas and ticks are the most common problem with dogs, along with mites and lice. Unfortunately, ticks can be very common in certain regions, and at particular times of the year. These insects attach themselves to cats and dogs and feed off their blood for days if they are unnoticed.

Fleas are also an issue, and if you notice your dog scratching a lot, it could be a sign of fleas or another pest harboring on your poor pooch. There are many tips for controlling pests in the garden, but what about when they make their way into your own home?

Another pest that pets can be partially responsible for is dust mites. While dust mites won’t attach themselves to your dog or cat, they do feed off of human and pet dander.

Having a dog in the house can mean an extra risk of having dust mites.

How do you eradicate fleas and other pests?

There are lots of natural remedies for removing pests from the home. If you have bed bugs, for instance, you can use what is known as diatomaceous earth, or DE. This substance will dry out the exoskeleton of the bug, and it will then die from dehydration.

However, no matter what home solution you find on the internet, it is often better to consider using a professional service. Scour for recommendations on the net, or for a local service.

For example, search for flea treatment London if you live in that part of the world. Or try searching for termite removal in New York, if that is your particular problem and location.

Professional pest removal services are experienced and knowledgeable in this area. They can use non-toxic solutions to remove pests, and they may offer a guarantee of satisfaction.

What are the perils of having unwanted pests in the home?

Pests should never be ignored regardless of what they are. Dust mites can cause allergic reactions in individuals, especially asthma sufferers.

These pests can also damage the health of your animal. Fleas can even be the cause of tapeworms in dogs or cats if they are ingested. According to PetMD, fleas can harm humans too.

Fleas won’t attach themselves to humans the way they do to dogs, but they can still bite. The most worrying health risk from a flea bite is the plague, but there are other concerns too.

Ticks also present problems and can cause typhus in individuals that are bitten. This is a potentially very serious disease, so tick control on pets is very important.

There are other parasites and bacteria that animals carry that can pose a threat to your health. Ideally, you will have your pet checked up on regularly, and use treatments to avoid ticks and fleas.

Are these pests dangerous to property, or just health in general?

The type of pests that are attracted to dogs and cats don’t really pose a danger to the structure of your home.

There are of course other pests that do harm the home. These include termites, carpenter ants, and some types of beetles.

Whatever pests you are unfortunate enough to find in your home, they will need to be dealt with. Some of them will be harmful to your health, others to your dog’s or cat’s health. And some will actually pose a risk to the very walls and floors of your home.


There are many ways to get rid of pests naturally, but sometimes you need to use something a little more potent. Professional pest control experts will be used to dealing with whatever problem you may be having.

However, if it is your pet that is bringing in unwanted visitors, then you will also need to have them treated as well. Fleas are a very common, but irritating concern for pet owners. They are treatable though.

Not only can you rid your dog of fleas, but if your home becomes invaded by them, the experts can help you to eradicate those too.